Monoid over XOR or XNOR, and Monoid lifted by Applicative.
2018-05-02 14:31:55 UTC
Logical XOR is associative, also is XNOR. And they both have an identity element.


newtype Even = Even {getEven :: Bool}
newtype Odd = Odd {getOdd :: Bool}

instance Semigroup Even where
(<>) = (==) -- (==) over Bool == Logical XNOR

instance Semigroup Odd where
(<>) = (/=) -- (/=) over Bool == Logical XOR

instance Monoid Even where
mempty = True

instance Monoid Odd where
mempty = False

So foldMap would determine the parity of the number of Trues.

Also, Monoid lifted by Applicative is also Monoid. This might be useful:

newtype AMonoid f a = AMonoid {getAMonoid :: f a}

instance (Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (AMonoid f a) where
(<>) = liftA2 (<>)

instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (AMonoid f a) where
mempty = pure mempty
Andrew Martin
2018-05-02 14:34:26 UTC
I agree that the AMonoid type you describe is useful. In fact, it's going
to be in base when GHC 8.6 is released: https://github.com/ghc/ghc/pull/123
Post by 박신환
Logical XOR is associative, also is XNOR. And they both have an identity element.
newtype Even = Even {getEven :: Bool}
newtype Odd = Odd {getOdd :: Bool}
instance Semigroup Even where
(<>) = (==) -- (==) over Bool == Logical XNOR
instance Semigroup Odd where
(<>) = (/=) -- (/=) over Bool == Logical XOR
instance Monoid Even where
mempty = True
instance Monoid Odd where
mempty = False
So foldMap would determine the parity of the number of Trues.
newtype AMonoid f a = AMonoid {getAMonoid :: f a}
instance (Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (AMonoid f a) where
(<>) = liftA2 (<>)
instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (AMonoid f a) where
mempty = pure mempty
Libraries mailing list
-Andrew Thaddeus Martin
Edward Kmett
2018-05-05 18:31:02 UTC
In that same light, we're also missing packaged monoids for the bitwise
(.|.), (.&.), xor (and the non-existent xnor) from Data.Bits. Bool is an
instance of Bits. Extending this to these more general types you'd get:

newtype And a = And { getAnd :: a }
newtype Or a = Or { getOr :: a }
newtype Even a = Even { getEven :: a }
newtype Odd a = Odd { getOdd :: a }

Once things move to arbitrary bitwise operations, Even/Odd may not be the
best names, though they do perform "vertical" bitwise parity checks.

While I don't have a particularly strong preference about whether those
extra instances should live in Data.Monoid or Data.Bits, due to Monoid now
being in Prelude, users do import Data.Monoid unqualified in rather more
code than Bits. This would give me a slight preference to placing these in
Data.Bits, but if one or the other would create an import cycle in base, I
think it'd be fine to let that trump such a concern and force the placement.

Post by 박신환
Logical XOR is associative, also is XNOR. And they both have an identity element.
Matthew Farkas-Dyck
2018-05-05 20:54:55 UTC
Post by Edward Kmett
In that same light, we're also missing packaged monoids for the bitwise
(.|.), (.&.), xor (and the non-existent xnor) from Data.Bits.
I defined a `BitSet` type in my alg package:
(Building docs failed, so here is the definition: `newtype BitSet a =
BitSet { bits :: a }`)

The `Monoid` instance is (`False`, `xor`) (wasn't thinking about xnor,
stupid me).

I was also trying to define `Monoid` instances for `Min (BitSet a)`
and `Max (BitSet a)` but alas, they overlap, tho `BitSet` is not `Ord`
(so usual instances are useless).

Maybe we want a `Lattice` class?
Edward Kmett
2018-05-05 21:51:06 UTC
There are several packagings of lattices and semilattices strewn across hackage, and not much convergence on any single one.

Sent from my iPhone
Post by Matthew Farkas-Dyck
Post by Edward Kmett
In that same light, we're also missing packaged monoids for the bitwise
(.|.), (.&.), xor (and the non-existent xnor) from Data.Bits.
(Building docs failed, so here is the definition: `newtype BitSet a =
BitSet { bits :: a }`)
The `Monoid` instance is (`False`, `xor`) (wasn't thinking about xnor,
stupid me).
I was also trying to define `Monoid` instances for `Min (BitSet a)`
and `Max (BitSet a)` but alas, they overlap, tho `BitSet` is not `Ord`
(so usual instances are useless).
Maybe we want a `Lattice` class?